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Eric Koller
Wizard born
22 Jan 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,6 cm elm wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Amber eyes, black hair, slim, tall.

Mental Description:
Always thinking, but friendly and ready to talk once somebody starts.
Eric was born at his parents' house on 2010.In the age of 3 months, he and his parents went on a journey to India.They were there for 2 months, afterwards returning. In the age of 4,he learned to read, and he really liked reading, especially newspapers.In the age of 7, he learned about Quidditch and became a big fan of it.In the age of 8 they moved to India, and lived there for 2 years.There he got attacked by tiger.Luckily, his parents came quickly, and neutralized the tiger. Eric started to love animals, especially cats after he got one in the age of 10.She died 3 months later because of infection.He decided not to get any more animals before entering Hogwarts.In the same time, he started to play Quidditch with his parents and brother on the backyard of their home.Their home is located on the shore, but they never swim,because the shore is very stormy.So, nobody from Eric's family is able to swim,and he is very afraid of water, as well.
First Instance of Magic:
When he was 2 years old, one day, he really wished a cake but his parents didn't give him one.So, they cake appeared on the table.His parents were in the different room that time.