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Mya Clarke
Wizard born
27 May 2011
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
My name is Mya Clarke. I'm 11 years old and I live in London. I was born on 27th May 2011. I have black and long hair, blue eyes and my skin is pale. I'm quite tall and thin. My friends say that I am funny and altruistic but that I can get easily upset.

I'm the youngest of four children. My sister Ivy is the oldest. She's 7 years older than me and she graduated next year. Then, I have two brothers Hayden and Avery. My mother's name is Siobhán and my father is Victor, they were Ravenclaw students. I went to "school" at a friend of my mother, another Witch. She teaches us ("us" includes my siblings, her own children and me) to read, to write, to count and the basics history and geography like in a muggle school. My parents were unable to teach us by themselves because they both work. But we have always done activities together since I was a child like camping or visiting an amusement park. I have a best friend. Her name is Daisy and she is the daughter of my former "teacher". She is a year younger than I. I will miss her in Hogwarts. We live in a residential district in London where I have a lot of friends muggle or not.

My mother always said that she noticed I was a Witch when, in one of my big tantrums, the water of a bottle started boiling. She said she was proud and upset at the same time.