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Bark Bjerke
20 Jun 2010
Manchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Average height, skinny, dark-blonde hair scruffy hair, and freckled skin.

Mental Description: Free-spirited, socially awkward, dependent on others, clever, values friendship and family.

Biography: Being born in the misty fjords of Hardanger, Norway, as a muggle-born, Anders' life was that of an average kid with an intelligence slightly above average. However, as he aged, strange occurrences started to unfold before his parents' eyes; objects were moving about the house by themselves, and their home plantation was plagued with garden gnomes eating their cabbage and cherries (which, at the time, they did not know were the doings of garden gnomes).

Anders' aunt, Ramolia Dupkins, who lived in Manchester and turned out to be a witch, took him under her wings after hearing about the events and talked it through with his parents, informing them about the International Statute of Secrecy and urging them to keep their silence. Since the nearest institute for magic, Durmstrang, did not accept muggle-borns, Dupkins took him to Manchester at the age of 10 in the hopes that he would be taught magic at Hogwarts.

Thank you for your suggestion! I would like a change of name to Bark Bjerke instead.

First Instance of Magic: When Anders was two and a half years old, his parents went into his room to check on what they thought to be a boy silently fiddling with his toys when they with terrified looks discovered that a book had lept from the bookshelf and was levitating in the air, an occurrence they kept hidden for years due to its eerieness.