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Catherine Blue
05 Dec 2009
Spaxton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,5 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Age: 11
Weight: 80 lbs
Height: 4' 8"
Physical Description: An average-sized 11 year old. The clothes she wears (outside of Hogwarts) are generally muted or natural colors. Her clothing is worn neat and she likes to keep it that way, buttoning every button with care. Her casual wear may still seem semi-formal to some, but that is just what she is used too.

Mental Description: She is cheerful and studious, she also has a lot of natural confidence due to her upbringing and can be self-assertive. She is also one to tell it how it is, however, and does not give in to peer pressure. She likes to joke and is very quick-witted despite her age. She can be kind of awkward sometimes but people seem to gravitate towards her so she makes friends with relative ease. She is an ambivert.

Biography: There is always some prestige that comes with being a pureblood, just by not being a muggle or a half-blood, and that was true in her upbringing. Her family was pretty well off, and she was being tutored in school subjects from a younger age than most would likely start (though, this does not include magic. Just math and the like). There was a lot of pressure to get into Hogwarts from her as both of her parents (Everest and Zona Blue) graduated from there.

When she was accepted into Hogwarts, her family held a large party where her mother drunkenly revealed her unhappiness with life. Catherine didn't tell anyone, but it is something that sits in the back of her mind.

First Instance of Magic: She has done this a few times. The first was when she was a toddler, where she managed to move a picture book from a bookshelf to her crib.