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Katie Wynd
Wizard born
07 Aug 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: A white-skinned female witch with long, brown hair with a strand of it dyed red. normally wears a hood over her head. When she isnt in her school apparel, she normally wears a red hoodie and black jogging pants regardless the weather.

Mental Description: She is a little hard to get to at first, but warms up to you and share's a lot that she overcomes with you. very creative, and smart. she seems to warm up to you rather quickly

Pre-hogwarts: Born on a sunny day of august, to McGregor Wynd and Rose Wynd. Her mother, Rose worked at Flourish and Blotts and her father worked at Dogweed and Deathcap. Katie grew up alongside her brother, Hunter who is underage for magic. Her friend as a child was called Logan, her first and only friend. She visited Hogsmeade all the time with her father, mostly watching him work. While she wasn't doing that, she was reading, studying things on the past of the wizarding world, fascinated by the battle with the dark lord and all of that. her life was perfect, when she got her letter her father took her school shopping.

First Instance of Magic: One day, when she was 9 while at a playground, katie was being bullied. One of the bullies,specifically the leader of them went to push her, but when flew her arms around her head, she ended up at the top of the swingset. The bullies ran, and called her a freak.