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Fyzz Wang
16 Dec 2009
Oxford, England
First year, Slytherin
25,1 cm beech wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
She's small compared to those her age. She has brown eyes and a button nose. She also have straight but slightly wavy hair at the end and is dark brown. Her hair is short due to how young and active she is as a child, thus often feels sweaty and uncomfortable when the ends of her hair covers the back of her neck.

I was born on the sixteenth of December in Oxford, England in 2009 to a loving couple, Justin and Rachel Wang. As a curious child, my mind is always full of imaginations. I like to imagine random situations I would encounter, some impossible. I'm cheerful and active most of the time, but calm and quiet (almost scared) when surrounded by many people.

I am an only child. It's just the three of us, living in a cottage in a peaceful residence in Oxfordshire. We prefer a humble and peaceful life even if it's in a Muggle neighbourhood. I have Asian ancestry on my father's side, which explains my last name. My father is a Magizoologist, always telling me stories about the creatures he'd seen, which made me take an interest to magical creatures as well. When not playing or drawing/scribbling, I help my mother with gardening. I'm also rather clumsy and forgetful, which explains the mess of toys I make after playing. Living among Muggles had caused me to not have actual close friends, afraid I might expose our world, thus making me an introvert person. Because of that, I'd rather play on my own or with my parents, rather than playing with the other kids.

My first instance of magic was when I accidentally shattered mother's favourite vase when I cried. I was around five or six years old when it happened.