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Dialo Ganrade
Tulk, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
30,0 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
From a very young age, no matter where he went, Dialo always felt apart from the rest of the world. His parents were too distant and didn't much care for their only child. Because of this, he considered his family to be his two best friends, Mitan and Tavin.
It was these two kids that made his life tolerable. From the moment he moved to the house, with his mother pulling him by the arm, the two kids, who were playing on the street, saw the sadness in Dialo's eyes and, successfully, made an effort to befriend him.

Dialo is a sad boy, desperate to prove himself... to anyone, and to himself. To show and see that he is worth the air he breathes, that his life means something, and that he isn't destined to live miserably with his parents.
He spends most of his days with his two friends, running up and down the street, playing games, and spending as much of his energy as possible, so when it's time to get back home, he doesn't notice how much his own parents didn't miss him.

He is a lean, tall boy, with brownish hair. No matter how much he eats, he doesn't put on weight, and despite the young age, you can see the muscle starting to form underneath the skin.