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Alice Kingsley
London, England
First year, Slytherin
32,1 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair

Alice Kingsley was once part of a aristocrat family all being pure bloods, she wears fake bat wings to intimidate those of her family; only at home, since she'd weird out almost everybody. Alice owns a black pet cat who somehow always finds her no matter the destination she is at, the cat's name is Midnight; for she found him lurking half-dead in the streets of London.

Alice's' magic starts at her being the age of three, she was having a temper tantrum for she couldn't have the teddy plush that she had wanted for the whole month it was in the shop. Her parents realized that she was being a brat, they tried to reason with her that they'd get it the next month; but she had nothing with that. She had screamed and broke all the vases in the room, also putting out the candles that had lit the dark household. They then realized that she was starting her adventure as a witch.

Alice had two parents, them being Angelica Kingsley and Arthur Kingsley; the letter A being a family thing. They both were very proud parents who loved their children Alice, Anthony, and Alexander. She was surrounded by boy's at a young age so she didn't exactly like their ways, she wanted to be like her mother; so she took the lolita fashion as a way to be elegant and beautiful much like her mother.

Alice is a Metamorphmagus, meaning she can change her appearance at anytime; without the use of anything but her mind. That caused her to have pink hair and purple eyes, much like her mother Angelica
"I rather not tell strangers about my life at home, all you need to know is how I am now."
Alice Kingsley comes to Hogwarts looking to only help herself and become an amazing student like her elders, she doesn't quite care for friends and silly crushes. She'd rather sit in her seat and do homework, not have fun googling her eyes at pesty boys.