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Joseph Darin
Wizard born
07 May 2010
Lochdon, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
28,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
JD is a fairly thin boy. He has ears that are a little larger than average. He has brown hair and blue eyes, and he wears square framed glasses. He has feet that are 1 size larger than they should be.

Mental Description:
JD is an outgoing boy who has no problems socializing. He enjoys reading and writing, but doesn't particularly care for school. He often times has a need to impress. He also will trust nearly anyone until they give him reason not to. He often times will go out of his way to seek attention. He has a high level of curiosity, and will try to find out information about relatively anything even when it doesn't concern him.

JD Wizardly grew up in a modest home with both his parents. They often traveled, most times with a group, on missions to help the lesser fortunate communities in nearby areas. Though JD was forced to travel with his parents, he would rarely participate in the provision of aid. Instead, he would wander the surrounding areas, exploring anything that seemed unfamiliar or curious.

During the times he was home, his immediate and extended family(most of whom lived on the same property) would get together and party for days on end. During these events, JD could be found with his cousins either playing games, meddling with garden gnomes, or running through the fields. The Wizardly family parties would consist of good food, cheap alcohol, and tall tales of their ancestors. The men of the family would often talk well into the night, while the women would be putting JD and his cousins to bed.

First Instance of Magic:

During one of the missions, JD was feeling particularly ignored by his parents. He began to cause some mischief in an attempt to draw their
attention, but he was simply disciplined. Watching his father from a distance, JD felt a great anger growing from a resentment towards his father's work. JD tugged at his father's sleeve, but his father simply shooed him away. JD stomped over to the wall, kicked it, and was surprised to find the thud of his foot against the wall wasn't the only sound he heard. From behind him in his father's direction, JD heard the pop of glass. JD turned to find his father slowly turning towards him, covered in ink with the slight sparkle of dust from broken glass. Tom's facial expression twisted into a look of momentary puzzlement that quickly dissolved. Tom jumped to his feet, charged at JD, and lifted him into the air by his shoulders. "You're a wizard!" Tom shouted. JD had at first started whimpering out of fear, but confusion swept across his face. He realized his father was smiling. "I'm a what?" JD asked. "You're a wizard!" His father shouted again. "C'mon! We've got to tell your mother!" The shock began to set in as JD realized what his father was saying. JD's father threw him over his shoulder, and took off out the door, still covered in ink.