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Celia Davies
31 Dec 2009
Church Stretton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,8 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Celia is pale with big blue eyes and long blonde hair which is wavy. Celia is often described by the big smile she always has on her face.
Mental Description: Celia has always been a happy girl, and has always had many friends, Celia see's herself as smarter than average 11 year olds. Celia always has a big smile on her face, Some people have described her as a living ball of sunshine.

Biography: Celia is a half-blood, and she was born in America to her mother Rose Davies and her father Ronald Davies, when she was around 2 years old they went back to England where they now continue to live. Celia always had a knack at making friends, by the time she was 6 she already had 5 close friends who she still remains very close with. When Celia got her letter to Hogwarts she was excited because it meant she got to learn magic with other young witches and wizards.

First Instance of Magic: Celia was around 7 when her first instance of underage magic occurred, she was sitting on the windowsill of an open window when suddenly she slipped, and rather than falling and hitting the ground she floated mid-air, her parents who were outside at the time had to use magic to get her down, once she was on the ground again her parents took her inside and told her she was a witch and when she was older she was going to Hogwarts.