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Thomas Crewe
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
25,1 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Born to a muggle lawyer and a wizard auror, Thomas has grown up in a wealthy house hold with two loving parents. Thomas' father Brian, was often gone for weeks at a time with his job keeping him busy, and his mother was often locked up in her office going over legal papers or speaking with clients, which left Thomas to himself most of the time. When he received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry; Thomas began to realize that he wouldn't be spending as much time alone anymore, he would be interacting with the professors and of course his other classmates. Nervous and frightened by the sudden change that he was about to experience, Thomas locked himself in his room for three days. The only thing that caused him to leave his room was the sound of his mother crying down stairs. When he went down to see what had happened, he saw his mother sitting on the couch with two men dressed in robes standing over her. The three adults turned to look at Thomas, his mother opened her mouth to say something, but Thomas already knew, he could tell from the tears and from the ministry badges the men wore... his father was dead, killed by a dark wizard who had escaped capture, Brian Crewe would never see his son grow into a man, he would never see his son go to Hogwarts... Thomas would never see his father again.