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Clair Fernandez
11 Sep 2009
Carlisle, England
Fourth year, Broom racer, Ravenclaw
24,6 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
The kindest people are the ones who are still kind after the world torn them apart.

Treat everyone with kindness and politeness not because they are nice, but because you are.

Truth does not mind being questioned

A Lie does not like being challenged.

To heal a wound you need to stop touching it.


Clair Jean Fernandez was born on a sunny September day in 2009 in Deer Lake Newfoundland Canada.
Little Clair was the youngest of the three Fernandez sisters. While the girls and Misty (their mother) lived in North America, Jake (Misty’s fiancè and Belle and Izzy’s father) lived in London and would come over whenever his work allowed. Jake did this until a few years after Clair was born, and in the time he was gone it was very lonely. Misty ended up getting in a secret affair with a (muggle) man she had been friends with for years. The affair ended up with her pregnant with Clair, Misty never told her ‘friend’ and acted like the babe was Jake’s.

Of course Jake never thought too hard about it and was overjoyed at having a third child. When Misty saw how happy Jake was she decided never to tell anyone about her unfaithfulness and the only notice she ever made of it was in her journal entries and a private letter which she never ended up sending. Of course guilt followed Misty around, but as Clair grew and bonded with Jake Misty kept her promise that she had made and never told them.

When Clair turned two the family moved overseas to Jake’s Father’s farm and the family made that their home. This was where Clair’s love of animals was really fostered and she became the animal lover she is now.

When Clair was eight, Jake was killed in a car crash. This left Clair without her father figure.
Clair attended a muggle public school until she showed signs of magic, after that Misty pulled Clair out of public school and hired a friend to be her Nanny. Her Nanny, Marven, realised that Clair needed to be able to be with the animals and have lots of time to explore the world, so after studies were finished Marven would take the young girl around Carlisle to explore the area safely.

When Clair was in her first year her mother passed away from cancer that she had refused to be cured magically. This of course hit Clair hard, as it would mean both of her parent figures were gone.
Clair would not find out that Jake was not her father until the summer break between her second and third year at hogwarts. She was going through some boxes when she found the unsent letter and journal entries that talked about her Mother’s affair.