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Pamela Justice
Wizard born
03 Mar 2010
Southport, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,7 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Pamela Justice

She has black , long hair, blue eyes, and some freckles. Her skin color is white, and also has some freckles. She has a big smile.

She loves chocolate, and is rarely shy. She has great manners, and her feelings are not easily hurt. She loves to mess with her friends, and scare them. But she also fights back when somebody punches her, and, well… she fights a little too often.

Her family was very loving. Both her parents are wizards, her mother working in the Ministry. They are also strict in teaching manners, especially Pamela’s Dad. Her brother would prank her every now and then, but still fond of her.
Pamela’s mom is an excellent cook, and has very good manners.
Pamela’s father works at the Portkey Office, and is very silly.

Before she went to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she played piano.
She started learning piano at the age of 4, and did mostly that until she got her letter from Hogwarts. This doesn’t stop her from playing piano, though.

Pamela discovered her magic ability right before she turned 7.
It was Pamela’s birthday. She was at home, and wasn’t in a good mood, because her brother had just played a prank on her (a water cup balancing on a door), and she was going downstairs to dry out side. She was going down the stair, when she slipped with her wet feet. She fell down, but was levitated as she fell. Her fall started slowing down, and she landed softly and slowly on the bottom of the floor. Not only that, but she also became dry, no longer wet.
Her brother came down the stairs and said, “Woah.”
Pamela didn’t know what to say-she was speechless. But her brother knew.
He continued, “Your-MAGIC-saved me from getting into trouble, and from getting yelled at from Dad.”
“Oh, come off it,” Pamela said. “You’re thankful for that, when your sister could’ve broke her leg and get stuck in the hospital? You wouldn’t have anybody to prank except for your friends, who would probably get mad and not talk to you for the rest of the day?”
Pamela’s brother was silent, then said, “You make a good point.”