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Arnie Moon
19 Feb 2009
Stirling, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
21,6 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Detailed Description:
Arnie Orla Moon
A young girl with wild, long hair, which is the color of the summer sun. She has deep brown eyes and the longest, curly eyelashes you've ever seen. Her height although being 5’5 doesn’t restrict her adventurous and social personality. Arnie can be described no less than a gorgeously, generous person with a big, warm heart that welcomes one and all. She is a very determined and hard-working person who makes it her life's mission to help others.

Arnie lives with only her father, Atticus, and younger brother, Cedar in their cottage home located in Stirling, Scotland. Arnie’s mother, Julia passed away when Arnie was just 7 years old leaving her father to raise both her and her brother. She is very close-knit with her family including distant relatives and is a very loyal friend to all who know her.
Her father originates from a magical background which is where Arnie inherited her abilities. Her father has always been a big inspiration in her life and she looks up to him very much.

First Instance of Magic:
Arnie has grown up surrounded by magic so it was no shock to either her or her family when her magic surfaced. She was 9 years old when she first experienced magic of her own accord.
Arnie was sitting at the dinner table in her family home in Stirling one night during supper and, as she reached forward to grab the salt shaker from the middle of the table, the small jar shifted slightly without her laying a finger on it. At first, she was unsure and almost not aware of the movement but as she reached for the salt shaker further, it shifted once more and the magic presence was now noticed.