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Robin Nukhao
16 Feb 2010
Oxford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,1 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:
Robin stands at a mere 140.5 cm (or 55.3 in), and has stick-thin limbs with knobby knees and protruding joints. As a result of his Thai ethnicity, he has a tanner complexion than most, and thick-stranded brunette hair, which he keeps long enough to pull into a hairband. No matter the length of his hair, though, his ear's are angled outward enough to always poke out. His most prominent facial features, by far, are his deep brown eyes and gummy smile.

Mental Description:
For being so young, Robin has developed an extremely task-driven mindset. Once he sets a goal, he'll see it through to the end, no matter what. He puts 100% into everything he does; his studies, club activities, and especially his personal relationships. Unfortunately, this overly dedicated attitude makes it hard to balance his priorities, which stresses the poor boy out to no end. He's found that the solution is to not form as many close bonds with others in the first place. This does leave him a little lonely, but it is, in his opinion, better than wearing himself completely thin.
Regardless of his dwindling social life, Robin keeps an optimistic view of the world. After all, no problem is without solution, and things could always be worse, so there's no use dwelling on the negative. Even though he isn't confident in his ability to maintain meaningful friendships, he'll go out of his way to cheer people up and brighten their days, if only a little.

One rainy day in the summer of 2000, Milly Harkins met Preed Nukhao. They'd been attending the same university (Preed participating in a Thai exchange program at the time), and their relationship developed from there. Milly was a witch, herself, but she'd always been fascinated by muggle architecture, and so chose to obtain a degree in the subject. Preed and Milly went through the typical lovebird scenario: dated throughout university, graduated and got married, Preed moved permanently to England, and eventually settled in Oxford. Here, the pair established a successful architecture firm, and their first child, Robin, was born in 2010.
Robin's childhood, all-in-all, was a pleasant one. His parents were busy people, to be sure, but they always made time to spend together as a family. This ability to have success in both their professional and personal lives had a major impact on how Robin decided to live his own life. It instilled a sense of purpose and motivation in him, and his parents praised him for how hard-working he'd become.
In 2013, his little sisters, Malai and Marjorie, were born. The three siblings grew up to be incredibly close, though Robin would sometimes feel as though he'd never be as close to his sisters as they were to each other (they were twins, after all, how could he compete?). Still, his entire family was closely bonded, and they remained a constant even when Robin struggled to make and keep new friends.

First Instance of Magic:
8-years-old is an interesting time to learn about your mother's magical lineage. The plan was for Robin, Malai, and Marjorie to go out to the park and play in the snow. Unfortunately, the weather became a little too tumultuous, and their parents had decided they would all stay home. All three of the children were dismayed, but their parents put on Miracle on 34th Street, and all was forgiven. In one scene, snow had begun to fall, and all Robin could think of was how much he'd like to play in the snow. He didn't notice the blanket of snow beginning to fall inside the living room until his sisters began giggling and tossing tiny snowballs at him. Once he realized he was the cause, Robin panicked and ran to tell (who else?) his mama. The snow was easy enough to remove, but that day, Robin got the "magic talk" from his mother, causing his little 8-year-old mind to explode.