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Joel King
Wizard born
12 Nov 2008
Colchester, England
First year, Gryffindor
21,7 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Joel is short for his age, much to his chagrin. With light brown hair he prefers to call dirty blonde, and dark blue eyes, his mum has always told him he was a handsome boy. But mums are supposed to say that, aren't they? He sometimes has dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, but only because he stays up all night reading.

Mental Description: Joel was an only child, and as such finds himself fairly withdrawn. He enjoys a good book, and is especially fascinated by old horror stories. Joel doesn't speak frequently, especially in groups of people he doesn't know, but when he gets around his friends, he opens up. Joel has an artistic view of the world, and loves stopping to look at a flower or sketching a person he sees walking through a park.

Biography: Joel grew up an only child in a wizarding family. His father was a low-level clerk in the Ministry of Magic's Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee by day and a writer of fiction stories by night. His mother was a painter and sculptor who maintained a lovely garden. As a child, Joel spent most of his time reading in various nooks and crannies. He also enjoyed painting in his mom's studio. Getting his Hogwarts letter was a day of much excitement. Joel is ready to come to school and make friends for the first time in his life.

First Instance of Magic: As a little kid, Joel would teeter totter through the garden and flowers would bloom around him as he laughed.