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Phoenix Fling
Wizard born
21 Oct 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Third year, Hufflepuff
30,0 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Medium brunette hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Sometimes she puts in brown contacts but that is only when she knows that something non dangerous is going to happen, so that means it's rare to see her with contacts on. Always wears a black bracelet with a Phoenix on it, which reminds her of her brother.

Stubborn and likes to cause mischief. Likes to be organised but who said anything about being clean. Can be sweet and helpful to people she knows, but New people... She is not very friendly to them.

Pretty rich family, mom and dad didn't care for her though... Never even bothered to talk to her. Only company was her personal maid. Even though she had a personal maid the maid rarely talked to her. She has an older brother but he left to join a mafia and visits once a year around Christmas so they can give each other gifts. Her favorite is a black bracelet with a Phoenix in the middle.

Yelled at her parents one night because they never talk to her, then fire rose up from the floor and burned mother expansive glass cabinet... The second time she burned her dad's office with all of his paperwork inside. He is the one who makes all the money so we're rich so when I burned his paperwork so I got grounded for a week.