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Quinn Kempley
Cork, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Quinn is a petit girl for her age, standing at 3' 8". Long red curls run down her back, and usually surrounding her face like a lions mane. Her eyebrow are a bit thick, but they match well with her face that leans more towards handsome than beauty. Her eyes are a shocking green that match the color of young maple leaves.

Her hands look delicate just like the rest of her, but they are rough and calloused along her palms. The only other area that matches her hands are her feet. Numerous little scars decorate her body; almost as many as her freckles really.

When she isn't growling at anyone who stares at her longer than a minute. She's trying to figure out how to act "normal" around others, and not like an animal as her parents like to say. She's overly blunt to the point of making it awkward at times, but she doesn't mean anything from it. Sometimes she just doesn't known when it's not appropriate to ask/say things at times.

Quinn has some.... issues. She was raised in what some call neglectful, while her parents say its laissez faire. They let her pretty much do whatever she wanted without thinking of the consequences. What made it worse was her parents sometimes forgot to take care of her most basic needs; food, health, clothing, and schooling. In order to survive she became rural, as in went primal in her thoughts and actions.

She learned to feed herself by watching her family dogs hunt and where to drink clean water. It was during one of these hunts she was "rescued" by a passing neighbor. She was already 7 by the time her new parents found her, so her social skills were pretty much shot, but that didn't stop the Kempleys from trying! A little bit into her 8th year of life, the Kempley's achieved the greatest achievement of their lives. They managed to convince the girl to wear her underpants. Their second achievement came close to her 9th year when they taught her to read and write, and that pretty much was the end of their achievements.

Anything else the Kempley's tried to teach her just didn't stick, or was met with great resistance. She didnt take to playing with other children, and hated parties like the flu. The only thing she seemed to actually enjoy -much to the Kempley's shock- was reading books. Books on history, biographies, theories, magic; you name it, she'll read it. She would spends hours, if not the whole day pouring over a book before anything else. The Kempley's thought that her love of books might help her socialize with someone at least, but it did absolutely nothing in that category. She still had that legendary redhead temper, and feral like quality to her thoughts.