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Victoria Taverns
11 Aug 2009
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,4 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Victoria is a wiry 11-year-old girl with long brown hair and blue eyes, she has an assortment of freckles on her face and her ears stick out. she has bright eyes that light up when she talks about a subject she is particularly fond of.
She is optimistic and energetic, and always wants to make new friends and see the best in people, she tends to rant and interrupt people while they speak. Victoria dislikes studying but enjoys learning new things, and finds herself wandering off subject and struggling to concentrate.
Victoria was born to a muggle man and a witch, who was determined to raise her well. she spent most of her childhood exploring, playing quidditch, and reading. She made friends in the muggle village near her town but she never found herself thinking they'd stay friends. her parents introduced her to magic early and she never thought mad of muggles as her father is one. She has visited her extended family multiple times, but has mostly stayed with her family of three.
When victoria was 2, she was playing with a toy in the garden, when a stray cat wandered by and scratched her, in a fury, she screamed at the cat and the cat's tail caught on fire. her mother rushed to the scene after hearing the cat's shrieks and hisses, and her parents decided to keep a closer eye on her.