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Ivy Grace White
03 Sep 2008
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
34,7 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Ivy Grace, who prefers to be called Ivra, has blonde hair and green-grey eyes. A couple years ago although, Ivra's brother did put a spell on her that made her hair grow extremely long. That was funny, Ivra kept on trying to cut it but it always regrew. Ivra would never forget her brother for that one.

Ivra loves to study and play quidditch with her brother. She loves the position Keeper and chaser the most but likes all positions. Her favourite quidditch team is the Holyhead harpies and really wants to play for them someday. Ivra loves Transfiguration and maybe that's why her wand picked her. Ivra is bubbly, smart and sporty.

Before Ivra got accepted into Hogwarts, her Mother, Sapphire and her Pureblood father Steven got her lots of books of Hogwarts to read. Ivra's brother is a nincompoop according to Ivra, and he is in Gryffindor. Sapphire was a Hufflepuff and Steven was a Gryffindor. Ivra doesn't mind what house she is in, except for Slytherin.

One day, Ivra was walking along until randomly, a stone was in mid air in front of her. She was very curious, and looked around to see if her brother was behind this. But he was at his friends house so It can't have been him. The only person it could have been, was Ivra.