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Sheena White
Wizard born
Paris, France
First year, Slytherin
25,0 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
BORN : Born in a little city in France Sheena White is a little girl who loves magic. Her mother was in Beauxbaton when she's child. Her mother is dead when she gave birth to her little sister. She was supposed to be in Beauxbaton too but she moves in London. So now she has to go in Hogwarts.

She lived in Paris, in  France, but she had to move in London because of his father.

PERSONALITY : She don't speak English very good. It is difficult for her.

Sheena is very shy and she's quiet. It's a little girl with Brown hair and blue eyes. She's clumsy when she speaks with a boy, it is so cute . She loves see new people and make friends. Since she is in London she doesn't have a lot of friends, she likes to be alone particularly when she is sad.

 HOGWARTS : When she saw the Hogwarsts's letter, she was so excited and stressed. But from generations to generations all her family was in Slyterin but she don't like this house, she preferes Hufflepuff because she thinks it is better for her. Sheena hopes to make new friends in Hogwarts for help her in this big school.
Sheena is with Slyterin, it's not bad. Her classmates are funny. She likes them.