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Kit Lewis
Wizard born
04 Jan 2009
Exeter, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
27,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:

eyes; hazel and dark brown
skin; pale-ish
hair;*DYED* brown (on top) and white(on bottom)
(tends to wear fake elf ears- just for fun.)

Mental Description:

usually laid back, a tad over protective but soft at times.
determined yet clumsy, and generally likes drawing.
an over-thinker, and a Aries.

Biography: What was your character's life like pre-Hogwarts. Describe your family, your friends and your home life.

it was a casual life- one older sibling in which that goes by Ru, her parents, Marshal and Sasha. her whole family are wizards, yet are all interested in art. Kit personally likes making water color.

First Instance of Magic: describe Kit's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic.

ahh- this is going to be quite a story.

Kit was only 10 at the time and she was outside at the park near the river, nobody was watching her so she decided to go into the river, (of course she wasn't supposed to and that only gave her the temptation to do so.) she had stated swimming around a little, before the current started picking up. She started frocking, and finally somebody noticed, they tried reaching out to her, but before Kit could notice, something happened, for all she saw, everything went black, before she could comprehend what had happened, she had teleported onto land, nobody knew what trigged it, but it seemed like it was because of panic and stress.
(the more you learn-)