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Nikolai Valtersen
05 Oct 2008
Brighton, England
Second year, Slytherin
32,7 cm ash wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Nikolai stands at 141 cm (4 feet 7 and a half inches) with wavy blond hair that flows past his chin but doesn't yet reach his shoulders. He has fair skin and blood red eyes, courtesy of his mother, a pure-blooded vampire. As a child he was quite active (and clumsy) which has caused him to injure himself fairly often, he typically is seen sporting a plaster or two.

Mental Description: Niko was diagnosed with ADHD at 6 when he began to struggle in primary school. However, out of school he seemed to be a quick learner and soon began working on his charisma in order to keep him out of trouble and keep his grades average.

Biography: Nikolai's parents met in Norway when his father traveled there to study dragons native to Scandinavia. However, Nikolai's early life became quite tense when his father wanted to move back to his hometown in Brighton, but his mom wanted to stay in Bergen. This was finally settled by having Niko split his time between the two of them, causing him to struggle making friends since he was never in one place for long.

First Instance of Magic: To this day, Nikolai is still unsure what exactly happened this day, let alone how it happened. On his 5th birthday, he was spending his day tree climbing when he lost his footing and began to fall. Although he was certain that the spot he fell from would have placed him right in the middle of a gap in the branches, he somehow managed to land, with hardly a scratch, in a branch with an unnaturally full amount of leaves, especially for autumn.