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Nikolai Dragos
01 Apr 2009
Chiswick, London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
28,2 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Nikolai has always been small, even for his age. Scrawny, sort of fragile-looking, and awkward. A thin oval face generously spotted with freckles, carefully-parted blond hair, with brown eyes that look nearly perpetually concerned.

Mental Description: Nikolai is fastidious, to put it lightly. Annoyingly tidy, and afraid of everything from heights to anything with more than four legs. He likes to think that he has a good sense of what is right and what is wrong. He's not top of his class, and he's never had many friends, but he considers himself a good judge of character and insightful. Behind all of this is a desperate desire to be liked and appreciated. Not adulated, but respected. Being acknowledged for good deeds--but still doing them regardless, because it's the right thing to do. He also has a short temper (likely one of the reasons he has so few friends) and is easily frustrated.

Biography: Arken Dragos is Nikolai's father, a muggle policeman; a second generation immigrant from Poland who married local London girl Anya at a young age. The young couple got along decently and managed to find a flat in Chiswick when Nikolai came along. He was a surprise, but they made the best with what they had. Arken was a well-known man in his community, with his work in the police department, but it gave Nikolai no shortage of problems with his peers. When he wasn't being made fun of for his stature, he was avoided for his father's reputation. So he buried himself in books instead--finding it difficult to learn despite all the extra time studying.

First Instance of Magic: When Nikolai was nine, he was able to outrun his bullies for the first time. Nikolai had never been possessed of grace or speed, but for some reason, that day he was able to cleanly outstrip the older kids--even take a flying leap over a series of park fences. He chalked it up to adrenaline at the time, but he's obviously had to rethink more than a few things recently.