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Betty Kunkle
Rothwell, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
My name is Betty Kunkle and I am a Pure-blood witch. Prior to coming to London I lived in England with my family. I am a child of six, I have five brothers so I would like to think I'm pretty tough if I can put up with that many brothers. Besides they are all older then me, I'm the youngest in the family. I also have never got to use my inner magic so I'm very excited to be going to Hogwarts so I can finally use my magic! I also have a major fright of heights so you won't be catching me on a broom. In London my family and I lived in a very Muggle neighborhood, so that would be the main reason why I haven't be able to use my magic. We did however have a very cute house elf named Violet. She did a lot for me we were best friends, I like to think we were anyway. I'm very excited to go to Hogwarts and make lots of magical friends! I didn't have many friends back at home. I had to go to Muggle school so the neighbors didn't suspect a thing. I have no idea what to expect other then what my brothers have told me, but everyone knows how brothers can be. I can't wait to write my parents too about everything I've done at Hogwarts! Oh how I hope I get sorted into Ravenclaw House! I love to read books and learn!