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Emilia Deaton
31 Oct 2008
Tredegar, Wales
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,5 cm elm wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:

Emilia has blond, shoulder length hair that looks almost white in certain lights. She usually keeps does her hair into two loose ponytails. Her eyes are green color. She is only 140 – cm tall. Usually she’s wearing sweaters with skirts or dresses with muted colors.


Emilia is a little shy when you first meet her but after a little while she starts to talk more and socialize. She spends lot of her free time reading books or walking outside in the nature. She has been interested in learning different herbs and her mom has been slowly teaching her some basics of them, like how you can drink chamomile as tea in the evening to calm down. Her other favorite hobby is dancing, Emilia feels most alive when she is moving her body along the music.


Emilia’s mom is a witch who graduated previously from Hogwarts. She met Emilia’s father when she was traveling in North-Europe, they fell in love and decided to move together to Tredegar, Wales to be close to the mom’s side of the family. Emilia spent all her summer’s in Finland, visiting her father’s relatives there.

One day when Emilia was about 7-years-old and they had returned back home to Wales, she was helping her parents with cleaning the house. While cleaning, the dust that had gathered around made her sneeze a lot when suddenly one of her sneezes released purple sparkles. She stared at them for a second, dumbfounded by this strange happening and then yelled to her mom and dad to come and see the pretty sparkles. Her mother seeing the sparkles hugged Emilia while laughing happily.

After that her mother explained to her and her father who didn’t have any idea of what was going on either that Emilia had magical abilities and when she would turn 11, she would attend Hogwarts to hone those abilities. As the years passed Emilia’s mother told her stories of her years in Hogwarts and Emilia couldn’t wait for her to turn 11 so she could go there too and see all the places her mother told her about.