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Annie Hidalgo
16 Jul 2009
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,8 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine

My hair is dark brown although my ends are a bit blonde. My eyes are honey colored and my lashes are short and very shiny, my eyebrows are quite thin and not very straight. I have quite soft skin and very careful
My mouth has a normal shape and my teeth are white and my gums are very pink. I am quite tall I am about 64 inches (1.63 cm) My family is quite tall, that's where my height comes from. I usually dress well depends on what occasion I use my necklace, earrings, and bracelets.


I am quite friendly and sociable sometimes I am very heavy, and, sometimes I tend to be edge. I like to read books or rather it is my passion and above all drawing mandalas relaxes me a lot, the truth


Before she knew anything about magic, Annie was a normal girl to the other children at her school, only when she discovered that she was a magician her life became a little more complicated, she had to control that when she got angry she did not make any child levitate other than Annie it cost him to get used to it. Her family was normal only that his father was a wizard and his mother Muggle although he attended Hogwarts. They were very nice to the neighbors every time someone moved in Annie and her mother would make tea with cookies for the new neighbors that made them good citizens Annie's friends were very funny they always laughed at everything Annie has always used to get along more with boys than girls clear understanding that Annie has 2 girl friends and 4 boy with whom she gets along wonderfully.
Her home life is very simple, she always helps her parents with housework and is very applied at the time of studies that makes her a good student, she also loves to walk her dog, she has always been kind and applied.

*Discovering Magic Abilities*

When Annie was 10 years old she was playing with her dolls when Annie began to levitate for no reason she calmed down and got down to the ground and told her parents a few days later...She was having his cereal for breakfast and his older brother (Rodrick) threw his cereals on the floor Annie got so angry that she made her brother levitate, Annie, worried, told what happened to her father and told him that she was a magician and that within 1 year I would go to Hogwarts school of magic and sorcery.