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Roana Lalindra
Wizard born
09 Jan 2009
Featherstone, England
First year, Slytherin
25,5 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: She has medium height, long black hair and grayish blue eyes. She usually always smiles. If she had redder lips, she could look like Snow White.

Mental Description: Nice, helpful girl. If they speak to her with respect, she will respond with at least that much respect. Calm in nature, difficult to upset. She can skillfully apply everything she learns. She likes to make friends. She loves every animals. She wants to work with magical creatures. Save, heal, train them. Treat them like a friend.

Biography: She is an only child. She has few "friends", they are actually her cousins. Her parents condemn the Muggle-born. They always took care that their daughter did not come into contact with them. Nevertheless, Roana lives happily. She is not short of anything. Her dad (Rudolf Lalindra) is an auror. Her mother (Arabella Lalindra) is a healer at St. Mungo.

First Instance of Magic: It happened around the age of six. She played with her cousins. They all had a great time, but Roana had lost many times. Since it wasn’t the first time she was just losing playing with them, she started to get very angry. Because of this, after losing in the next round, one of her cousins fell for no reason and couldn’t stand up because every time he tried, he fell again.