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Iris Zarus
01 Nov 2008
Lincoln, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,9 cm alder wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Small girl with medium length brown hair. She has light green eyes and a heart shaped face. Iris is noted to be on the thin, wiry side, and her hair has a soft, wavy texture. She has long slim fingers, often having a few bandaged due to minor cuts obtained by playing or cutting ingredients. She normally wears cardigans, a red scarf, and sweaters when she isn't in the school uniform.

Mental Description: Iris is a very happy girl for the most part, however she is prone to bouts of depression. She loves thinking of pranks and is often very energetic. Iris normally tries to hide her troublemaker personality, often putting on airs of innocence. Once she becomes friends with someone they will instantly be brought under her protection, as she will do anything to make sure they are OK.

First Instance of Magic: Moments after witnessing her mother die after drinking a potion Iris became inconsolable. As he father tried to remove her from her mother's side he was unexplainably pushed back. This push was very much like the force of the Disarming Charm, though she would only know of the events as her father would tell her.