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Andianne Rosewood
12 Oct 2008
Liverpool, England
First year, Slytherin
32,5 cm chestnut wood and wampus cat hair
Andianne is a short girl, around 1,40 meters. She owns some pretty sage green orbs and bow-shaped lips. She has a small nose and chubby cheeks. Andianne's onyx hair is pretty wavy if not dried properly, but it's mostly straight. She has an athletic body for her age, seeing as she likes to play sports.

The black haired girl is definitely an introvert, but she likes making friends, she just doesn't approach people because she feels like they should be the ones approaching her in the first place. She is quite wary around new people though, since she has been taught from a young age about the dangers the world puts individuals (especially little girls) in. Once you get her to at least like you, she will be either obnoxious or in her own little world, which is not a bad thing since she will end up sharing her ideas/dreams, even if she will regret it later. She is a difficult person, that's for sure. She loves animals though, so to get to her soft persona is going to be easy if you know about this information.

Growing up with two fathers definitely helped her mature, especially for her age. She loves her parents dearly, and they have been taking good care of her, buying her the stuff she wanted, spoiling her lots. She can't complain. Sure, Andianne has had her kid fits, even if everything is perfect, she IS a kid, so her immaturity will come out to ''play'' from time to time. They usually resolve fights and disputes easily, since Andianne ends up feeling guilty and so do her fathers, so they make up with a big hug and lots of good food. When they first met her at the adoption center, she was around 4 years old. Why did they choose her? Because they learned from the caretakers that she would not talk to anyone, but the moment she saw them she yelled ''Parents!'' loud and clear. Everybody stared in disbelief, and they just had to take her home with them. Their hearts have never been so touched by someone.
Elijah Rosewood, one of her fathers, is the sweet one, who tries to first talk things through and the one to comfort the girl when she annoys her other father.
Benjamin Rosewood, he was a little more serious and stern, but he's not the kind of conservative, strict father, he just wants the girl to understand that in some situations you need to pay attention and listen closely. He is a big softie though, so that attitude usually fades away. Benjamin is the one with the guts to do most social interactions, so whenever Andianne has a problem he will step in, while his husband cheers him on from afar.

Her first instance with magic.. Oh, boy, it was an absolute mess! Being a pure-blood definitely influenced her personality and the way she handles things. However, no matter how much she tried to make wandless magic and prove to the other kids how strong she is, she could never do it. One sunny day though, everything changed. As she was walking down to sit with the other kids, they all stared at her loathingly.
''Chloe told us you aren't actually a pure-blood.''
Andianne stared, shocked and confused. Chloe was supposed to be her friend! Why would she lie like that?
''Why did you lie, Andianne?''
They never called her by her full name, they called her ''Andy''. She was heartbroken.
''It's a lie! Chloe is lying!''
But no matter how hard she tried to make them believe her, they were already too hateful of her to listen to what she had to say. She yelled out in frustration, throwing things around. As the professor came to see what happened, the brunette yelled out once more, tears streaming down her face, making all the school supplies to fly towards Chloe. She was hit. And it sure hurt a lot. Andianne did not care.
''She.. actually used magic!''
Sure, making wandless magic wasn't a pure-blood thing to do, but it still helped her in this case.
''I..I lied!'' confessed Chloe, while running away ashamed.
Both of the girls' parents were called to solve the dispute, but Andianne was happy that she managed to make magic, so she made up with Chloe almost instantly.