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Layla Tremors
15 Feb 2009
Kinsale, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
33,4 cm walnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
Physical Description: On the shorter side and midsize. Light brown hair, short and curly with green eyes magnified by her big wire-rimmed glasses. A few freckles and dimples on her cheeks. Ears not pierced...yet!

Mental Description: Layla is...quite hushful and keeps to herself most of the time. If alone, she tends to go silent and for periods of time. But that doesn't mean she isn't there! She might communicate with actions or expressions.

Being alone at home for most of her life caused her to be able to entertain herself without needing to speak. Once she got to Hogwarts, she was very overwhelmed by the number of people around her. Layla became very observant of her peers rather than finding the courage to strike a conversation.

But when she does find herself talking to someone she's comfortable with or who she is eager to speak with, she will be kind even if they don't seem to deserve it.

She loves reading muggle literature like small poems or writing her own little stories by her lonesome, she is a bit afraid to forget what it's like in no-mag society. She also loves collecting piano sheet music. Right now, she is still a bit intermediate, but she loves to learn and grow her skill on the piano. She tries anything she can possible to listen to music whilst away from home.

Biography: Layla's little home is located in Kinsale, Ireland. She lives home with her mum and older sister, both muggles. Her mother had her older sister Genevieve and married young. Layla's parents didn't seem to get along and they quickly got a divorce, not knowing she was pregnant once more with Layla. It got very messy during the third trimester but ultimately, Layla's mother got full custody. Layla has never seen her father, nearly convinced that she sprouted from the lemon tree behind her home.

Layla went to a muggle primary school in Kinsale. She wasn't very outstanding academically or socially, she was just there. There wasn't much hubbub when word got out that she would be transferring.

"Who are you, again?" A boy abruptly asked as Layla was packing her bag on the last day of classes.

"Um, L-Layla...Layla Tremors."

"Oh, well, bye Layla." The boy gave his farewell and left. He was the only one of Layla's peers to say goodbye.

Layla's sister, Genevieve is a uni student studying some kind of science that Layla can't understand, she isn't the academic one. Always studying or working at the local bakery. They used to be very close when they were younger, but Genevieve works a lot and Layla doesn't work enough, so you can imagine the gap between them.

Layla's mother has many jobs, sorting the fruits at The Market Garden on Pearse or helping out at the fishing port. Sometimes Layla would come help out but usually, she would be home alone. Her favourite memory with her mother was when the three of them went out on a Friday night to go to the Jazz Festival in Kinsale. That's where Layla found her love for music.

On a regular day Layla's mother and sister work very hard, the Tremors don't have much money, so a babysitter would be a real dent in the budget. Layla loves being alone, though, listening to music or reading the dusty books in every corner of their old house or playing the piano in the living room.

First Instance of Magic: On one sunny day in Kinsale, the Tremors were having guests over. Layla, only seven, was left alone with her mother after her sister vowed to stay extra late at the cafe to study with her friends. Little Layla Tremors had no choice but to stay home, for the guest was to bring his nine-year-old son, Felix.

This wasn’t the first time Felix and his father were visiting. You could imagine the excitement Layla felt when she expected to make a friend of this boy. But Felix, however, was nasty and cruel to Layla. Shoving her into the dark and damp shed in her mother’s backyard until she cried, called her awful names for sport, and threw his wads of gum at her hair until she was forced to get it cut short. Layla especially didn’t appreciate this, for it made her ears extra cold in the wintertime.

But one afternoon in the middle of June, Layla wasn’t having too good of a day. She had had an awful nightmare the night before, which made her check every nook and cranny just to make her feel safe, to hear that Felix and his father were stopping by.

Just before 5:00, Layla was alone in the living room, noodling on the creaky old piano that stood against the wall. She was right by the door and was the first one to see Felix and his father. She let them both in out of courtesy, directed Felix’s father out back to where her mother was, and quickly whisked herself away to her room before Felix’s spiky-hair head realized she was gone.

But soon enough, Felix reached Layla's bedroom door just before she could shut it. He then grabbed at her hand but Layla (with all the energy and tension she had pent up that entire day) was able to pull free. Layla fell back into her bedroom, with its light yellow walls and stack of books and pressed flowers from the garden, and yelled with all the voice she could nearly imagine conjuring up and bellowed. “Why don’t you just leave me alone?!”

...And before she knew it, Felix was stuck on her ceiling, spiky gelled hair and all. He was screaming for mercy, calling Layla an evil witch, but all Layla could do was stare. And once she felt like Felix had had enough, he was gracefully placed back on the floor, shaking in fear.

Layla was terrified and kept repeating that she was sorry. Their parents quickly ran into her room to see the two children both crying, Felix saying that Layla attacked him. Layla couldn’t spout a word of objection out of fear and confusion, so Felix’s father had hastily decided it was time to go.

Layla couldn’t tell her mum what had happened, which let her believe the worst. And Layla’s life seemed to go back to normal, now feeling (even more than before) anything but. It was only when Headmaster Lear knocked on their door that she could say anything out loud.