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Ashi Hart
Manchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,7 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Ashi Hart grew up not knowing that her mother was a witch. Nobody in her family (excepting her grandparents) knew who her mother was. Ashi had grown up very disciplined and had gotten punished often, whenever she did something wrong. Her father only wanted the best for her, and so he gave her what he thought was best. A mundane childhood. Until Ashi's powers showed up. Ashi had been ill for a week now, with the flu, when her mother entered the room and found Ashi completely better. Ashi's magic had manifested! Ashi otherwise had a pretty normal childhood, but come time for her to go to Hogwarts, her father wasn't told. Ashi's mother loved Mr. Hart, but sometimes she had to keep things from him. Ashi fund herself in an entirely different world after she was taken to wizarding London. Her mother had next to nothing in her account at Gringotts, but Ashi managed to buy all her supplies. Ashi is very happy she was accepted and thinks Hogwarts might be just the place to meet some cute girls. Ashi is extremely excited to start her training at Hogwarts; the best wizarding school of them all! Ashi is in a pickle, though. She gets train-sick. The only thing she is not looking forward to is the long train ride to Hogwarts. Otherwise, everything is just peachy.