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Alice Wilson
12 Jun 2009
Birmingham, England
Second year, Slytherin
26,8 cm willow wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Alice is a somewhat tall girl for her age with long black hair and blue Eyes. She is lean and fit. Most of the times she wears practical clothing in blue or green.

Mental Description: Alice is a friendly and outgoing person. She likes meeting new people and making new friends. The more diverse her circle of friends, the better. Knowing only people who behave the same would be boring after all. Once she sees someone as a true friend, she will be very loyal, going to great lengths to help them.

She is also a competitive person, a trait which luckily causes her to try and outcompete classmates in school as well. While she usually doesn't mind losing a competition all that much, since it's more about the competition itself than the result, she does tend to get angry when she loses a competition she has gotten serious about.

However, there is a darker side to her as well. What Alice dislikes most is boredom. And while she is usually able to make everything interesting (even if it's just spicing up a learning marathon by setting up a competition), she has a tendency of not taking the needs and plans of other people into consideration, causing them trouble because of this.

Biography: Before heading to Hogwarts, Alice lived a rather normal life. Even though her father was a wizard, he never revealed this to his family, especially now that her parents are divorced. Alice is living with her mother, though she visits her father every now and then.

During childhood, Alice was popular among the other children. She easily got to know them and liked spending time together with everyone. But while she got along with everyone, there were only a rare few whom she actually considered friends.

Now that she has gotten the letter from Hogwarts, her father has contacted her and finally told her the truth about himself.

First Instance of Magic: Throughout the last two years, there have been several small instances of magic. The first of them was when she was playing a game of hide and seek tag (once you're found you can run away until the seeker has caught you) with friends. By that point Alice was the last one left and had gotten pretty worked up, trying not to get caught. While running away, she tried to slam a door she was running past shut to block the seeker. But she missed and didn't grab a hold of the door. Despite this, the door slammed shut either way.