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Chloe Graham
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Her mother and father are Myra and James Graham. She has an older brother named Isaac in Ravenclaw. Her mother was in Slytherin and her father was in Ravenclaw. She hopes to be placed in Slytherin like her mother. 

Personality:  INFP - They are considered the true idealists and are always looking for the good in people. They are often seen as shy or reserved, but when they find something that they're passionate about then they truly shine. They're guided by their principles rather than logic, excitement, or practicality. They are lead by the purity of the intent rather than reward or pleasure. They're good at communicating deeply with others and are great when it comes to creative works or learning a foreign language. They tend to focus their attention on a few people at a time rather than a whole group. They make excellent diplomats. They can lose themselves when contemplating about life, so it's best if they aren't left to their thoughts for too long.  However, she's very ambitious and has high goals for herself.

She is allergic to pineapples and tree saps.
She prefers not to fly, so she had no intentions of being on the Quidditch team. 
She wants a black cat as a pet, but her parents won't allow her to get one unless she can prove herself.