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Rose Moonwolf
Winchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,9 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hello everyone,
I am Rose Moonwolf. I am a smart and caring person. I love having fun with my friends, but I also like to make sure my school work is done before doing so. Other wise I am easy to get along with. I love all mythical animals.

Yes my hair is dyed. My natural hair color is black and I hate it. It reminds me of my older brother. Yes my eyes are natural green. No my glasses are not fake, I am near-sided. For those of you who don't know, near-sided means that I can not see far away without my glasses on. I am 5 feet and 5 inches and I weight 145 pounds.

I was born to Abigal and Johnathan Moonwolf. I have...or well had only one sibling. His name was Alex Moonwolf. Some of you may remember him. Yes it is true he was killed in an accident with a muggle woman. Yes they were together. No she knew nothing about his magic. Yes he wanted to marry her. No my family had no problem with him being in love with a muggle. They are humans like us, yes they don't have magic like we do but they still breath the same air we do.

I am hoping to be put in Hufflepuff. I feel that is the place I belong but if the sorting hat decides differently, I will have to live with it. I can't really argue with a hate that was created to sort us into the correct house.

If you have anymore questions about me please feel free to ask. I don' bite.