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Mark Brady
09 Jan 2009
Redcar, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,0 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: He has Blue eye and Brown hair, rarely wears glasses(only for reading). He Normally wears his clear glasses when he reads. He has a silver watch on all the time

Mental Description: He is Helpful ,Honest ,Caring ,Cheerfully. He is also Intelligent, loving, nice, wants to be friends with everyone! Has anxiety.

Biography: He went to an academy with his best friends Zach & Sarah. His Father is a Half-blood; who was a Slytherin and his mother is a Muggle born; who was a Gryffindor . They both work at a medical office in London. His friends are Muggles with great personality. Zach is a dangerous but caring friend & Sarah is an Intelligent person. His Father and Mother both told him he was gonna be a wizard... But when they told him he was only 9 years old. He aces his exams all the time. He studies All the time. He Likes to hang out at the park with his friends. He also like to play football with his friends as well as video games.

First Instance of Magic: He was at the Pond With his Parents and He was Looking at the pond trying to count the fish. He told his mom to go to him to look and when he waved at her to come look The water followed the command and went up and splashed his face.