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Kallisten Ruewen
Wizard born
12 Apr 2010
Adare, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
33,4 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description : Kallisten has got long, straight and blond hair and green eyes.
She his beautiful, tall and thin. She often wears green clothes that match her eyes.
Mental Description : When Kallisten is emotional, her feelings are extremely strong. She can be very gentle for a moment, then burst into tears right after.
The girl is smart and cunning. She loves to read.
Biography : Before receiving her Letter, she lived at her family's mansion. His outings were regulated and his friends were few.
Surrounded throughout her childhood by servants, Kallisten is not used to talking to other people. She therefore has a fairly directive character, and is not, at first glance, a very pleasant person. Her parents being wizards, the girl grew up in a fairy tale universe. Magic was everywhere around her, and objects stirred - either by magic or in the hands of the servants.

First Instance of Magic : The first time Kallisten did magic, she didn't realize it right away. Indeed, the effects of the witchcraft of the masters had concealed his act.
It had happened in a very simple way: she wanted to taste her snack in a very beautiful crystal cup, but, her parents judging her too young, she could not.
So, in an excess of involuntary rage - remember, her emotions were very strong - she went back to her room and her door closed very tight without her touching it.
It wasn't until a few hours later that she realized she had done magic right.