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Magdeleine Johnson
09 May 2009
Canterbury, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,3 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Maggie is a little girl perfectly ordinary. She has big brown eyes, full of curiosity, a small noze and big cheeks. Her hair are between red and brown, very messy and short cut. Her body is very small and skinny, but perhaeps adolescence will change that — she hope. Magdeleine allways wears the same clothes : a blue jean, a faded shirt and old sneakers. Undoubtedly she seems not care about her style, but in reality her family is very poor and can't afford new clothes.

Mental Description: She is very proud and doesn't accept failure from herself and everyone else. However, she is very insecure, doesn't now how the world works ... Since the discovery of her magic ability, she his even more unstable. She is curious, loyal and a little bit lazzy like all the other children of her age. But she's also rude and not delicate at all, she loves hide in a corner for hours, sleeping, drawing or dreaming about anything.

Biography: She was born a 9 May in an ordinary family. Her father, Henri, works at factory and her mom (Jenn) stays at home, take care of her siblings. Magdeleine is the youngest daughter of this muggle couple : she has 2 brothers, Garvin (16 yo) and Simon (12 yo), and one sister, twin of Simon, Hazel (12 yo). She grows in the room she shares with her sister until now, and until now the two of them get along pretty well. Always playing, chatting or running after theirs brothers ... the house was full of life. Like all the Canterbury children, Maggie went to school. Not good, but not bad too, she was a medium student ... preferring to draw rather than study. And one day, something happens :

First Instance of Magic:
She is 9 years old, in the middle of the night in her home. Hazel is sleeping like a log in the bed upside hers, and Magdeleine wake up suddenly. She ears a thing, like a strange scream. The girl, barefoot, walks around the house, defending her home, her family, from an imaginary monster. Not sleepy anymore, she plays, builds a sword whith a stick and try to kill her enemy. Until, in a blinding ray of light, her father arrives in the livingroom. Surprised, Maggie blows up all the lamps at once ... After that, she was treated by all her family with some apprehension. Two years after that, a man cames to explain to the family what she was : a witch.

I'm very sorry if this text is badly written, I'm from the french version of this website and I want to improve my english here. With time, surely, I will write a better way (hoping so).