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Circe Camreigh
Wizard born
13 Mar 2009
Cambridge, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,3 cm cedar wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Circe is rather short, even for her age, and she is slender. Her hair is medium length and of a dark brown colour. She has dark brown eyes that are slightly downturned. Above her eyes, one can find her dark brown, slim eyebrows.

Mental Description: When someone first gets to know Circe, she gives off pretty secretive vibes, and she might come across as a little harsh, since she always speaks her mind. But as soon as someone gets to know her better, she becomes a very friendly, warm-hearted person. Her loved ones are very important to her, which is why she is very protective of them. As soon as someone, for instance, insults one of her friends, she tends to lash out at them. This is also a proof of the fact that she is pretty short-tempered person. Circe is also sarcastic and very ambitious. Another mentionable thing about her is that she hates talking about her feelings, which is why she is most often bottling up her emotions. She's also not good at taking criticism.

Biography: Circe was born and raised as an only-child in Cambridge. Her parents also went to Hogwarts and they have told her a lot about it, which is why she expected to go there one day herself. When Circe was six years old, her parents got divorced and she fell out of touch with her father within a year. In primary school, she only had very few friends, but they were very close to her.

First Instance of Magic: Circe's first accidental use of magic was when she was eight and found out that she got a half-brother (son of her father and his new wife). She was mad because her father didn't bother to tell her - instead, she found it out by eavesdropping on a conversation between her mother and her aunt. She then rushed to her room, slammed the door and flung herself on her bed. What happened then was that she couldn't control her anger anymore and accidentally used her magic for the first time, which caused a flower vase in her room to break.