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Amethyst Logan
Wizard born
24 Dec 2008
London, England
Third year, Ravenclaw
25,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Amethyst's hair is around shoulder length, and the bottom is a bit curved. It is dark brown, and parted on her left side. She has wide dark blue eyes, which are framed by round, black glasses. She has a button nose, and her face is round and sweet. Her skin is a bit tan, but she would still be classified as Caucasian. All of these features make her look sweet, and nerdy.

Which she is! She loves to read, and she loves homework. Her favourite part of school is the classes, and her reading level is above average for her age. She is kind, and she is very generous. But, she is also quite shy. She has trouble speaking up, which often makes her life more difficult than it needs to be.

She was born to Wizards. Her parents are sweet and loving, and she has one sibling named Candy. Candy is very young, only four years old, and it brings Amethyst great joy to spend time with her. Their home life is happy and stable. Amethyst was overjoyed when she was invited to Hogwarts, although she wasn't very surprised.

The first time Amethyst had any magic was a few days after Candy came home. Amethyst was ogling over her, and she was thinking that she wanted to play peek-a-boo with her. But, Candy's blanket was across the room. She stood up to go grab it, but it floated into her hands instead. She ran to tell her parents, and they came in and celebrated.

Disclaimer: My avatar is not mine! This is the link