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Morgue Evans
13 Sep 2008
Cork, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
27,0 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Morgue has short, shoulder-length black hair, with dyed green tips. She has bright green eyes. She is quite short and has an average body shape.
Morgue comes from a pure-blood family, so they expect her to uphold their name, if she doesn't she does get punished. She is smart, loyal and sarcastic. She is closed off and doesn't have many friends. Morgue doesn't have a filter and is very blunt. She often swears but does try to make sure they are not too offensive, though because of her pureblood status she does often call one mud blood.

She comes from a pure-blood household. She is an only child to Niki and Wilbur Evans. She was born at three am on Saturday the thirteenth of September. Her parents are constantly making sure she is acting just like she should, a bratty pureblood who will carry on the pure family legacy. If she were to step out of bounds, for example, become friends with a muggle-born her parents would punish her.

Morgue first showed magic at the age of seven. She was sat at the dinner table pushing her food around her plate. All that was left was Brussel sprouts, she hated them and within a blink of an eye, they had disappeared. Her parents were shocked but they were relieved they hadn't given birth to a squib and brought shame on their family.