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Chaleur de Hestia
16 Oct 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Second year, Gryffindor
32,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Chaleur is 4'9", with curly strawberry blonde hair that reaches down to her lower back, and striking green eyes. Her skin is a beautiful light bronze color, and her features are sharp and strong, animating her expressions. She wears glasses for reading, but otherwise does not need them.

Mental Description: Chaleur is naturally curious, always asking questions. She retains information with ease, and despite her quiet nature she is not shy or easily intimidated, but rather daring in situations that may call for it. She is also quick-witted. She'd rather have her nose deep within a book somewhere quiet than intentionally find herself in large crowds.

Biography: She was raised by two muggles in Glasgow, Scotland, both professors at prestigious universities, who kept to themselves and often stayed busy with work, so both were astounded to find that their little girl at the age of two had begun showing strange signs of supernatural ability after accidentally lighting the family cat on fire with absolutely nothing but the air, and throughout the years it became difficult to keep this a secret, until that fateful day they received a letter from Hogwarts requesting their daughter attend their school. Though skeptical, they loved their daughter very much and allowed for her to leave to study. Being a loner, she didn't put much effort into making friends.

First Instance of Magic: She was two years old, it was the early morning and everyone was eating breakfast. Their housecat had jumped up on the table to sniff at Chaleur, and the girl in her excitement somehow caused an ignition that little poor creature's tail on fire.