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Luna Silkington
Wizard born
Thrupp, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Luna has jet black hair, and dark brown eyes. Her skin is a bit pale and her figure petite. She's 4'5 and has small hands an feet. She often wears large glasses.
Mental Description: Luna likes
reading, practicing spells, and cats. She hopes to save up all her money for a cat and some nice books. Her love of reading and fascination with magic will help her excel in most classes. It is sad to say Luna's social life hasn't ever quite matched up with her wits. She's awkward and bad at befriending others, and prefers to be alone or have one friend at the most.
Biography: Luna grew up an only child, having her parent's attention most of the time. She was constantly asking if she could go over and see the neighbor's cats, since her father was allergic and they couldn't have one of their own. She enjoyed watching her parents preform magic, whether they where putting up a puppet show for her or washing the pots from last night's soup. Her father maintains a job in the Ministry of Magic, and the family makes an average income.

First Instance of Magic: Luna was simply petting the neighbor's cat, when the cat started licking her hand. Her fingertips became invisible and for a split second she thought the cat had eaten part of her hand. Her parents quickly fixed her up with a revealing charm and where happy to know their daughter was expressing magical powers.