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Mary Lakewood
Wizard born
12 Jan 2009
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,9 cm cypress wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Tanned skin, has freckles,Red long curly hair, blue green (ish) eyes, red lips.

Mental Description: Happy and a positive girl who likes to draw,craft and do creative projects. When she gets frustrated she tries not to give up on a project or work. She hates to wait when she wants to do a project/work. She can sometimes be a thinker and zone out a bit when she thinks to much, she likes to sleep alot and that can results she forgets important times such as meetings and lessons.

Biography: Mary Lakewood´s family was only her mother, her father left the family when Mary was seven years old, why he left she didn't know. She had one friend she hung out with, the others in school or in the neighborhood thought Mary was weird and a little scary. When she is all by herself she paint and craft alot other than that she reads fable books or fanfictions,listening to music or help her mother with some chores. She dreams of becoming a Teacher in Hogwarts school when she is older, other alternatives are auror or a healer.

First Instance of Magic: She fell forward from the second step on the stairs and when she thought she was on the ground she was in mid air! She was shocked and a little scared at first but now she is fine.