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Grant Dale
03 Dec 2008
Isles of Scilly, England
Third year, Hufflepuff
34,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Dark hair and eyes. Of a slim build, not truly scrawny, but light and slim enough for the kinds of exploring he likes to do.

Mental Description: A good-hearted and well meaning lad, there are still many in his home town convinced otherwise and that he is a trouble maker just for the unintended consequences of his curiosity and spilling over a bin because he just had to know what the noise in the basement window was. He loves tales of adventures and adventuring himself (magic not required, muggle-tales are just fine, but they do often help add) and seems a contradiction in that he loves his town but has wander-lust to see more so very bad. Something the letter worked well into.

Biography: Born an only child, Grant doesn't feel it and is used to both "siblings" and shifting about and adjusting as both of his parents died when he was five and he was sent to live with his uncle (his mother's brother) and cousins, taken into the ranks and treated as a middle child as his age put him between them. Oddly it was his uncle who felt himself just a humble local dock worker who provided the magic side of his family. Both him and Grant's mother went to Hogwarts, Brent just would like to pretend he didn't, feeling he would have done much better at home, helping his father, rather than at Hogwarts where his younger sister almost died due to the War. Despite this making his seriously doubt the leadership of Hogwarts, both of Grant's older cousins, Ben and Sarah, are still well and health and able to guide Grant through his journey now that his own letter has arrived.

First Instance of Magic: The fact that Grant believes he felt it when his parents died in the car crash doesn't really count since it's not provable or tangible. The first blatant instance was not that long ago, at Eight, when a neighbor dog got stuck in a fence post and Grant freed him without touching the fence...though he did also ruin it in the process and his uncle had to pay for the damages. Grant apologized to both, though freeing the dog helped cool the neighbor and in the end his uncle blamed himself for ignoring his own powers and fighting the inevitable.