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Aeron Frey
21 Sep 2008
Dover, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
25,8 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description:

Can the average and expected be exciting? How often do we see what we expect?

Amazingly, Aeron looks very much how a boy his age should look— if you’re sourcing your ideas from storybook clichés and narrow standards of beauty. There’s something pleasantly familiar about him. With his pale gold hair and ice blue eyes, he looks like a Tuke painting, or a Malkin’s model. He’s perfectly average in height, his build proportionate, his features pleasingly neat and symmetrical.

Mental Description:
Physically, Aeron would be well equipped to succeed in the popularity contest called School— but all that promise comes to a screeching halt when you factor in his personality. It’s not that he’s unpleasant! He’s not rude or mean or crass— in fact he’s very polite. Too polite, too formal to come off as really warm. Perhaps his first year at Hogwarts will wash away some of this reserve. At the moment, he’s a quiet, serious young man. Always observant, always interested, but inexperienced and unsure of how to interact with his peers.

Aeron was born into the heart of the magical world, the end product in a complex web of magical lineages. His parents married for the proper maintenance of their proud bloodlines, rather than love, but he has had no cause for complaint. An only child, his life thus far has been immensely privileged, pleasant, and conventional. His father is a respected member of the Ministry, his mother a prominent singer in the wizarding opera circuit.

That he would attend Hogwarts was never in doubt. While there are some that say the Frey are not a pure as they claim — honestly, who is these days? — they haven’t thrown out a squib in centuries.

First Instance of Magic:
Aeron’s first noted use of magic was when he was about two years old. His mother was abroad that evening, starring in the new french production of Circe, and Aeron was inconsolable. The nanny, struggling to get him to sleep, tuned the nursery radio to catch the opera’s live broadcast on WWN— and marveled at how Aeron instantly quieted at the sound of his mother’s voice… and magically spun the volume up.