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Felix Renshaw
29 May 2009
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
30,2 cm chestnut wood and troll tail hair
Physical Description: Though average in height for his age, Felix is a rather slender boy. His dark brown hair is naturally curly, and his bright brown eyes are framed by long lashes and thick eyebrows. His lips are full, his grin frequent and perhaps just a little too wide for his narrow face. He’s heavily freckled, and it’s impossible to miss -- they aren’t just sprinkled across his cheeks, but over his entire face and much of his body.

Mental Description: As far as Felix is concerned, a stranger is only someone he hasn’t introduced himself to yet. He’s outgoing, gregarious, and utterly unafraid to interact with other people -- even sometimes when it might be rude to do so. He is very much a “pack animal” who thrives in groups and social situations, and struggles when forced into a situation where he has to stay quiet, or alone, for long periods of time. Extending his trust comes naturally to him, and he tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, partially due to childish naivete, and partially due to just being very (perhaps overly) confident in his ability to handle whatever comes his way. He’s pretty easygoing, really, and doesn’t seem to worry too much about anything, even when he probably should. There isn’t much that he takes seriously, much to the dismay of his parents. Even competition, which he honestly enjoys, is all in good fun for him, and he can take a fall face-first into mud with a smile. Who cares if people are laughing at him? He’s laughing, too.

He’s also active both of mind and of body. His love of sports, both football and quidditch, is evident by the pennants he’ll hang in his living space wherever he can (he’s a devoted fan of the Appleby Arrows) and his enthusiasm for talking about matches and reciting stats, and, of course, playing whenever he has the chance. He’s very physical, and loves being outdoors and doing anything that keeps him moving. Less evident (at least on first meeting) is the fact that he’s equally enthusiastic about pursuing whatever knowledge he deems interesting. He’s an intensely curious boy, but has never really been able to settle into book-learning and studying in a structured sort of way, and so schoolwork has never been his strong suit. It’s such a drag to have to pay attention to class, or focus on homework, when his brain is interested in some other, entirely unrelated thing that he thinks is cool at the moment! History and theory bore him to tears, but he loves science experiments with observable effects (which he will miss, as Hogwarts is not interested in the science of the muggle world, but he may find an outlet for his curiosity in potions class, instead). He’s going to have to learn to buckle down and pay attention to his actual schoolwork, and learn the discipline necessary to prioritize, in order to do well at Hogwarts.

And he is aware that there is a lot of pressure on him to do well. While it would be easy for a child under the pressure of high expectations to become anxious or a perfectionist, Felix has responded by going in the opposite direction. He doesn’t worry about it… outwardly, at least. Is he really that well-adjusted, or is this just a form of avoidance? That’s a good question -- and one he’d rather not think about too much. He thinks he can tackle whatever’s thrown at him, so surely it will all work itself out in the end, right? Right.

Biography: Felix was born on May 29th, 2009, to a muggle mother, Jane, and a wizard father, Nathaniel. Nathaniel’s own early experience at Hogwarts had been a rocky one; he’d been a sensitive, emotional muggle-born child who had struggled to feel comfortable in and accepted by the wizarding world that he’d suddenly been thrust into, and it left him with lasting feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness that he eventually -- unwittingly -- projected onto his son. He was overjoyed when Felix first used magic, and determined to make certain that his boy would not only get by, but excel at Hogwarts, and in magical society in general someday.

Felix grew up keenly aware of being only the second-ever wizard in his entire extended family, and of his father’s high hopes for him. Luckily, he was an easygoing child who seemed to handle the pressure well, and if asked he would say his childhood was a happy one. He never had any siblings, but made friends easily enough and kept himself busy (often by doing things he wasn’t supposed to). The arrival of his Hogwarts letter wasn’t unexpected, but it still excited him. Not only would he finally get to learn magic, but he would get to immerse himself fully into the wizarding world for the first time, among people -- hopefully friends-to-be -- that he wouldn’t have to hide part of his nature from.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Felix used magic, it was a simple matter of childish want. He was two years old, and had been kicking a ball around the house, giggling and squealing and bumping into tables and knocking over lamps and just generally terrorizing the (generally very tolerant) family cat. His father, exasperated, confiscated the ball and placed it atop an armoire safely out of Felix’s reach. Being a toddler and entirely unable to have a reasonably proportionate reaction to, well, anything, Felix began to cry, and the ball rolled backwards off the armoire, bounced a couple of times, and rolled right back to his feet.