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Ella Green
London, England
First year, Slytherin
23,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring

Isabella Rose Beaumont-Green, known as Ella, was born November 5th to François Beaumont and Katherine Beaumont-Green. She was born in sunny Marseilles, France, but then moved to New York as a baby when her mom got a job as an accountant.

Ella was raised in the heart of New York City from France. She was raised in a New Yorkian culture, but her father really imposed the French culture on her, making sure she didn’t lose the French spirit in her. He taught her the language, made her eat the food etc. Her mother is a very dedicated accountant, therefore not spending very much time in the house. Mrs. Beaumont-Green was always moving around banks across the whole state. Ella never got to spend more than 2 days with her. The young girl loved her mother more than anything, and decided to change her last name from just Beaumont to Beaumont-Green, just to have a little bit of her mother in her. Finally, at age 9, the whole family moved to London, England so that Katherine could stop moving around so much and stay at only one bank. For the next 2 years, their relationship really thrived. When Ella got her Hogwarts letter, she was ectastic! The only thing that was holding her back was that she was afraid that her amazing mother-daughter relationship fade out.

Since she was raised in New York, the culture she had really pushed her into a love for fashion. More specifically, fashion design. Her mind is always contemplating on how to improve the outfits around her. This leads her to sometimes judge others based on their appearance. Otherwise, she is a really sweet and laid-back, though her weakness is that she is an overachiever. She always needs to do everything perfectly and above, and if she gets even 1 point under perfect, she will become anxious and paranoid about the fact this grade will ruin everything. Her father, a magizoologist, understood her. He knew she needed something to calm her nerves whenever she failed at something. He was a wonderful athlete - especially in Quidditch, and thought it would be perfect. He taught Ella everything he knew from his days in Hogwarts, and now she is a great player as well. Ella is extremely excited to start off the next 7 years at Hogwarts.