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Forrest Elwood
06 Jun 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
28,6 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:
Forrest is a brown-haired boy. He has green eyes and he his skin is white. Forrest is tall for his age and is quite skin. He usually wears a T-shirt with drawings or something written on it, and a bleu or black jean.

Mental Description:
Forrest is a boy who is sympathetic with other pure-blood or wizard-born wizards but he is not very friendly with muggle-born people for example. This boy is very proud to be a pure-blood and he is always proud of himself. He doesn’t like rules so he often breaks them in order to be as free as possible, but for now, he has never done something that can be really dangerous. Otherwise, he enjoys going outside and playing sports. He is very fond of Quidditch and baseball for example !

Forrest Elwood born on June, the 6th in 2009, in Glasgow in Scotland. His father, which is a wizard too, is Scott Elwood and he is 39 years old. His mother is Morgan Winsley Elwood and she is 39 too. His parents are maried, which explain the fact that his mother’s family name is both Wisnley and Elwood. Forrest is an only child. His parents didn’t want to have a second child after him because he was terrible with them. All of this little family lives in manor near Glasgow. It’s the Elwood Manor, the house of his father’s family. Forrest didn’t go to a public muggle school when he was a child because his parents didn’t want him to be with muggle children, in order to protect him as well as the other children. Indeed, all his family is afraid of the other world, even if his parents had studied in Hogwarts in their teenage years: his father was at Slytherin and his mother at Gryffindor. But, since a few years, they have a bit change their minds, and they want their son to study at Hogwarts in order to make him more open-minded and more friendly with muggles in general.

First Instance of Magic:
Forrest first instance of magic appeared when he was 6 years old. He was in the family’s manor, precisely in the garden. His father was running after him because he had broken a precious vase and had tried to escape to the punishment. At a moment, after running for three long minutes, he passed near a big tree and his father followed him. But, a dead branch of the tree felt at this same moment and was going to hit his father’s head. Forrest saw it and he was feared. As he was looking at the branch, it appeared that the branch deviated slightly from its path to crash into the ground, near his father. He had done magic without knowing it. His father was releaved but also proud of his son : Forrest was a wizard !