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Neoma Du
18 Oct 2008
Templeton, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
24,1 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Neoma generally a fair girl, with olive skin. She has naturally wavy hair which flows to her waist. Her stern, almond shaped eyes hold pearly blue eyes. Her nose bridge long and a button nose at the tip. Her lips are average. There's a scar just above her upper lip,hardly noticeable. She has a natural athletic build and is quite tall for her age, 5"6 to be exact.

Neoma for the most part is a kind, empowering girl. She likes to help everyone, and see the good in all. However there is periods when Neoma neglects this, with herself. She also does not withstand bullies to anyone or anything.

Neoma comes from a family of muggles, all of which would be known as spiritual or hippies. Her mother,father and two older siblings (shes the youngest of a twin boys; Niccolo and Caspian) lived in a large van until she was 10 , then moved into a house in the country filled with orchids and more. She didn't have many friends because she was home schooled, except for Branwen --her mother friends with hers--.

Neomas first experience with magic was on her 8th birthday. She was distraught in finding that her brothers had the first slice of HER cake. In this moment of rage, Niccolo was sent backwards into the wall, while Caspian received a wedgie like nothing before.